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- ;VACUUM.ASM -- program to direct read all sectors on a floppy
- ;in drive B, writing 90 sectors per file to a series of output
- ;files, 1.FIX, 2.FIX, etc., on the default drive. Sectors
- ;are processed in order of logical number. Sectors consisting
- ;entirely of the same byte are not included in the output.
- ;
- cr equ 0dh
- lf equ 0ah
- ;
- cseg segment para public 'CODE'
- org 100h
- assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg,es:cseg,ss:cseg
- vacuum proc near
- jmp start
- ;
- mess1 db 7,'THE VACUUM CLEANER Ver. 1.0 1/24/87',cr,lf
- db ' by D. Seidman',cr,lf
- db ' Damaged disk in drive B. Output '
- db 'to default drive.',cr,lf,' Press any'
- db ' alpha key to start.',cr,lf,'$'
- handle dw ?
- filename db '1.FIX',0
- mess2 db 7,'File creation failure. Aborting.','$'
- mess3 db 7,'Insert another disk in default drive,',cr,lf
- db 'then press any alpha key.',cr,lf,'$'
- sectot dw 0
- sector db 512 dup (?)
- divider db cr,lf,'END SECTOR '
- secno db 4 dup (?)
- db cr,lf,'$'
- secount db 0
- ;
- start: mov dx, offset mess1 ;intro message
- mov ah, 9 ;output string
- int 21h
- mov ah, 0ch
- mov al, 8 ;wait for keypress
- int 21h
- call open
- again: inc sectot ;sector to read
- cmp sectot, 721
- je done
- mov al,1 ;read drive B. Or 0 for drive A,etc.
- mov cx,1 ;read one sector only
- mov dx, sectot ;this sector
- mov bx, offset sector ;into here
- int 25h ;sector read
- add sp, 2 ;clean up after the read
- jc again ;if error, skip over it
- cld
- mov al, sector ;get first char of sector
- mov cx, 512 ;check a whole sector
- mov di, offset sector ;start address
- repe scasb ;check for equal bytes
- je again ;if equal at end, no good
- ;now save it
- ;this tries to write the number in hex
- lea di, secno ;where to put number
- mov ax, sectot ;for call
- call conv_word
- ;end attempt
- mov ah, 40h ;write file
- mov bx, handle
- mov cx, 531 ;size of sector plus divider
- mov dx, offset sector ;what to write
- int 21h ;write it
- ;assuming no error here
- inc secount ;sectors in this file
- cmp secount, 90 ;90 sectors per file
- jne again ;recycle is not done
- mov ah, 3eh ;close file
- mov bx, handle ;should be unnecessary
- int 21h
- mov secount, 0 ;reset counter
- cmp sectot, 720 ; don't open another file
- ;if finished.
- je done
- call open
- jmp again
- done: int 20h
- vacuum endp
- ;
- open proc near
- ;opens files, dies with message if error
- ;check to see if enough space, assuming 512 byte sectors
- ;and two sectors per cluster, which is wrong for hard disks.
- mov ah, 36h ;call for free disk space
- mov dl, 0 ;using default drive
- int 21h
- cmp bx, 48 ; 48 clusters needed for a file
- ja enough
- mov dx, offset mess3 ;need another disk
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov ah, 0ch ;wait for keypress
- mov al, 08h
- int 21h
- enough: mov ah, 3ch
- xor cx, cx
- mov dx, offset filename
- int 21h
- jnc opened
- mov dx, offset mess2
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- int 20h ;quit if error
- opened: mov handle,ax
- inc filename ;that is supposed to increment
- ;the first byte of thefilename
- ret
- open endp
- conv_word proc near ;convert 16-bit binary word
- ; to hex ASCII
- ;call with AX = binary value
- ; DI =addr to store
- ;returns AX,DI,CX destroyed
- ;(c) 1984 by Ray Duncan.
- ;Published in Advanced MS-DOS
- push ax
- mov al,ah
- call conv_byte ;convert upper byte
- pop ax
- call conv_byte ;convert lower byte
- ret
- conv_word endp
- conv_byte proc near ;convert binary byte to hex ASCII
- ;call with AL = binary value
- ; DI = addr to store string
- ;returns AX, DI, CX modified
- sub ah,ah ;clear upper byte
- mov cl, 16
- div cl ;divide binary data by 16
- call ascii ;quotient becomes the first
- stosb ;ascii character
- mov al,ah
- call ascii ;remainder becomes the
- stosb ;second ASCII character
- ret
- conv_byte endp
- ascii proc near ;convert value 0-0FH in AL
- add al, '0' ;into a "hex ascii" character
- cmp al, '9'
- jle ascii2 ;jump if in range 0-9
- add al,'A'-'9'-1 ;offset into range A-F
- ascii2: ret ;return ASCII char in AL
- ascii endp
- ;
- cseg ends
- end vacuum